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New Speed Alert Sign on Horace Street

CSDR has a new speed alert sign near the Brill Loop on Horace Street. As we imagine, the electronic sign is there to alert the drivers on speed going past the school. We remember from our driver education class that the speed limit is 25 MPH when driving past a school during school hours.

The school didn’t have an alert sign on the street for the first 70 years.

In 2020, the City of Riverside agreed to study the driving patterns on Horace Street after they heard the concerns from CSDR staff and families as well as the neighbors because they were tired of seeing cars speeding up on the street.

There is a sharp curve near the Brill entrance that is often worrisome. The city engineers surveyed the street for months and reached a conclusion that the speed warning sign was warranted. The electronic sign was installed in 2022.

We hope the sign has made a difference in driver behavior on the street for student safety.

The sign has a small solar panel on the top to absorb sun energy for power. The electronic sign operates around the clock.

Kevin Struxness, ‘76, MA

Editor, CSDR Old Times

21 October 2024


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